One Pager Cleistothecia trial

Evaluation of properties in fall applications of a formulation containing essential oil extracted from citrus sinensis to reduce erysiphe necator cleisthotecia development

Prev-am Grape Brochure

We strongly recommend starting treatments with PREV-AM PLUS as soon as possible to prevent higher infestations of Cleistothecia and control it at the right stage.

Vineyards that are under Cleistothecia Alert (October/November 2019):

Area/Località Farm/Azienda


Noicattaro (BA) Grande Sugraone
Gioia Del Colle (BA) D’Onghia Scarlotta
Adelfia (BA) Stea Victoria 1
Adelfia (BA) Stea Victoria 2
Adelfia (BA) Stea Apirena
Gioia Del Colle Cassano Aglianico
Castellaneta Romanazzi Allison
Mola di Bari (BA) Rago Red Globe
Mola di Bari (BA) Rago Victoria
Noicattaro (BA) Lasorella Italia
Noicattaro (BA) Lasorella Sugraone
Sannicandro (BA) Santamaria Sugar Crips
Ginosa (TA) Aleppo Crimson
Casamassima (BA) Decaro Black Pearl
Acquaviva (BA) Rotondo Italia
Cellamare (BA) Grande Apirena


The Importance of the Cleistothecia Monitoring,


Powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator) of grapevines is one of the main disease of grapes. The disease multiplies rapidly and spreads on plant tissues and organs that may be seriously compromised in terms of quantity and quality. The inoculum of the disease can overwinter either as dormant mycelium in the buds either as cleistothecia that persisted in the vineyard at endemic level, in some particular areas and on very susceptible.

At the end of summer (depending on the climatic conditions) we find the sexed phase with the formation of cleistothecia and / or colonization of the buds (as mycelium) which will sprout the following year.

The cleistothecia begin to form starting on the infected tissues, in particular on leaves and shoots, from the month of September in the Southern Italy. The wind and the autumn rains disperse them in the surrounding environment. The cracks of the bark of the plants represent the best wintering places, where the cleistothecia can remain vital and able to germinate in the following spring, with a percentage of success that can reach 40% (Cortesi and Bisiach, 1999).

Autumn weather conditions characterized by the absence of rain and mild temperatures (above 10 ° C) promote the maturation and formation of cleistothecia. During the winter period these fruiting bodies are able to easily resist to adverse conditions, including very cold temperatures.

The favourable conditions present in Apulia, due to luxuriant vineyards cultivated in most of the case eith tendone system, implies adequate protection with preventive methods.

The protection programs for powdery mildew in Apulia region are generally set on preventive control strategies in the most susceptible phases exposed to the risk of infections. These are based on curative or contact products, applied according to the expected risk of the disease and the epidemiology of the pathogen in the vineyard.

In the year 2018 powdery mildew Erysiphe necator (Schwein.) [Uncinula necator (Schwein.) Burr., Oidium tuckeri Berk.] affected most of the vineyards of table and wine grapes of the region with particular intensity and aggressiveness. In fact, the climatic conditions occurred in the year 2018 were particularly favourable to the development of diseases on vine (Plasmopara viticola, Botrytis cinerea and Erysiphe necator).

In particular, since post-setting stage, the presence of powdery mildew has been widespread and with high levels of gravity. In several trials carry out during the year by AGROLAB, it was possible to find at the end of July 100% of the infested bunches with an intensity of over 60% in the untreated plots.

AGROLAB, in previous years, has collaborated with ORO AGRI by setting up trials, over several years, to test the efficacy of PREV-AM on controlling the formation of cleistothecia at the end of summer with benefits also on the pressure of the disease in the following year.

The scientific publication presented at the “Giornate Fitopatologiche” has attracted the interest of some technicians which requested more information about the strategy to adopt.

Considering the importance of wine and table viticulture in Apulia and the attention that growers place in the control of powdery mildew, it is important for agrochemicals companies to activate initiatives aimed at divulging the experience gained in the trials through IT systems or with other communication methods, based on reliable and scientific assessments on the territory.